2018 Elmoc Show Planning started

Well as we close down the 2017 season we start to think of the 2018 Show.  This is when we start to plan whats what and think about sending out emails and letters to clubs to promote the show, We create and share the events on  facebook and through event publications such as Morgans Yearbook, Magazines and papers.

We always welcome any help during this time even if it is just sharing out the shows website address (https://www.elmoc.co.uk/elmoc-car-show/) on your social media accounts.

If you want to get a bit more involved in helping organise the show we are always on the look out for volunteers.  We have a number of areas that need attention over the 6 months leading up the show such as seeking out donations and sponsors for Prizes and Tombola table items. People to pass the word/leaflets out to attendees in the shows leading up to ours, people to help gather clubs information so we can formally invite them.

Interested in helping or coming along then give us a shout.
